Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Word Prompt - WHEELS

Wheels?? Mmmmm, I need some new wheels, buggy that is - with 3 Childminded kids 1 and under I need a triple buggy - gulp, checking them out online at mo! Other wheels in my life skateboard, roller blades and scooters!

Hang on - today's activity 'non messy fingerpainting' offered the perfect shot of wheels! A toddler I childmind asked for a car to run over the ziplock bag with paint in :-)

Monday, 30 January 2012

Word Prompt - COLLECTION

Ok, so what do I collect ..... for those who know me would know the answer straight away ...... Pretty Papers, embellishments, ribbons and lots of other gorgeous-ness, to scrap with of course!!

However, I'm going to show something totally different, my gorgeous Fossil Collection - lovely tea light holders! I have 2 more all were purchased in Singapore!

Sunday, 29 January 2012


Easy one for me today, I'm in love with my Kitchenaid, it gets used quite regularly and is pride of place in my pink kitchen!! It was purchased in Singapore and probably cost more than my washing machine - gulp!!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Word Prompt - Signs

Signs are everywhere! Even in my downstairs loo - here's one!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Word Prompt - Bad for You

Mmmm, can list all the obvious, but will think of something different - photo to follow!

A bit late, but here's the delicious desert hubby rustled up :-)

Word prompt - Pleasurable

Oops missed a day - my pleasurable is the Saturday and Sunday, no other kids just my own!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Word Prompt - NAUGHTY

Today I'm off on a 3 hr photography course, then after I need to complete my essay! Don't think I'll find time to 'stage' a naughty photo, unless something happens on the course!

In the meantime, here's a photo of my naughty pup, from a few months ago!

Word Prompt - SNACK

Snacks in my house are constant, if it's not myself or my kids, it's the children I childmind! The after-schoolers are STARVING when I pick them up, and for snacks today they were offered - scotch pancakes, breadsticks, toast or fruit!

The healthy option is always a big NO, however, I was surprised today when they all asked for fruit!!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Word Prompt GENEROUS

Not feeling very generous today! Got to finish an essay that's been looming over my head for quite sometime, so to keep me going in the right direction, I've been consuming GENEROUS amounts of tea :-)

Saturday, 14 January 2012


I love waiting for my pizza box deliveries as the usually contain some delightful goodies for me to use for scrapbooking!!

Friday, 13 January 2012


Well, quite strangely my fridge is packed, which is very rare for a Friday!

Here's my photo for today, trying to be a good girl but can't resist the temptation of scrummy chocolate tarts!!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Word Prompt - METALLIC

Mmmm I've found this word prompt a bit tricky! I've been racking my brains all day .... this is what I've come up with.

One of the VERY heavy metal ornaments from Bangkok!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Word Prompt - WATER

This was an easy one for me, day off work so took Raffles for a stroll around the Mill Pond, took loads of photos but I have 2 favs!

Word Prompt - COSY

I had to wait till quite late to get my cosy shot - RAFFLES all cosy in the sofa, where he shouldn't be!!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Raffles posing

Here's Raffles posing with a rather large toy bone given to him by Helen and Ian! He absolutely loves it.

Word Prompt - DRINK!

No thank you, no more drink! Had far too much last night with good friends. Hubby even took charge of the kitchen and cooked a lovely steak dinner!

So here is a photo of what we were drinking until the wee hours .... Mai Tai

Friday, 6 January 2012

Word Prompt - FROSTY

The word for today is frosty, with no frost on the ground I've gone for a shot of ice waiting for an alcoholic beverage!

A night of dining with friends, eating steak a d drinking lots of rose. Good night had by all.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Word Prompt - EXCITEMENT

I was anticipating today's word with baited breath for two different reasons! Firstly, great excitement about an article being published in CHAT magazine about my son and his Selective Mutism, and secondly, the anticipation of having to give evidence in court this afternoon which I'm dreading.

How happy am I the word prompt was EXCITEMENT!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Word Prompt - Pretty

I took this photo this morning from my back doorstep around 7am, before I saw the word prompt! I think it's perfect to sum up the word pretty, a lovely pink sky!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Word Prompt - UGLY!

Mmmm apart from the ugly weather today I'm struggling to think of an image to capture for today's prompt! Best get my thinking cap on!!

Ok here it is! I've always found feet ugly, no matter who they belong too!!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Word Prompt - NEW

Today's word prompt was NEW!  What else could I take photos of, but of my son at the local Skate Park on his NEW stunt scooter!

This was one of his presents from Santa, and it would appear that almost every child in our neighbourhood also received a scooter of some description from Santa.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Let's Celebrate! As part of an online Blog I have decided to join in with a photo a day, connected to one word. Today's word was 'Celebrate'.

Today we went out for a lovely meal with friends to the local pub to celebrate the start of 2012, which will have many changes in store for our family. Geoff, my husband decided to be princess Leah!!!

The food was divine and the company superb!